The Milk Diet: How to Use the Milk Diet Scientifically at Home by Bernarr Macfadden, 1923.
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From the earliest dawn of human history milk has been recognized as
one of the most valuable of food products. In fact, the cow, next
to the dog, was probably the earliest domesticated of the animals.
For, away back in pre-glacial days – before the great ice-flow
changed the surface aspects and the climate of Europe – the Swiss
Lake-Dwellers kept cattle, the milk of which, reinforced by the
fish they hauled out of the lake, furnished their chief source of
Wells tells us that it was in the Neolithic Age, ten or twelve
thousand years ago, that the nomadic hunter evolved into the
herdsman, and mankind first became cow-keepers. The practice of
cow-keeping gradually spread all over the earth, until now there
are very few races, civilized or savage, city dwellers or nomads,
in Europe, Asia or Africa, who have not depended, or do not depend,
more or less, upon cow, goat, reindeer, or buffalo. And, as we all
know, among many African tribes the wealth of an individual is
measured by the number of cows he owns. Indeed, a man may even buy
his wife from her loving father for a certain number of cows,
depending upon the youth and comeliness of the maiden and upon how
badly he might be smitten by her charms.
Millions of people, as the Tartar tribes in Asia and many of the
Central European races, even now find in milk and in milk products
their principal source of nutriment.
And so free from disease are they that certain of these peoples,
such as the Bulgarians, have been given credit for being among the
longest-lived of all the peoples of the earth. In fact,
Metchnikoff’s famous discovery that age-decay is largely the result
of the absorption into the system of poisons generated by
decomposition in the intestinal canal was stimulated by the study
of the diet of these same Bulgarian peasants, who lived largely
upon clabbered milk – milk fermented by adding a little of the
clabber of the preceding lot. This “cultures” the milk, causing the
development of large quantities of health-giving lactic acid
These germs are supposed to destroy the colon bacilli and other
more highly toxic bacteria that breed in the intestinal canal, and
thereby prevent their destructive action upon the delicate nerve
cells and upon the general organism.
In our own country an average of between half a pint and a third of
a quart of milk is consumed every day in the year by every man,
woman and child in the land. This amounts to from twenty-five to
thirty million quarts of milk each day for the country as a whole.
Probably as much again goes to the manufacture of butter, cheese,
and other milk products.
On the Continent, two or three times as much milk and products
derived from milk are consumed as are consumed in the United
States, but regardless of the considerable amount of milk that is
used daily, comparatively few people here or elsewhere are using
milk as an exclusive article of diet for the treatment of abnormal
conditions, either functional or organic. The milk industry is of
vast importance to the country and community because of the
exceptionally valuable nutritive qualities of milk and our absolute
dependence upon it as an indispensable food for infants, young
children and invalids, and because of the actual therapeutic or
curative properties of milk when properly used.
The Food Value of
Indeed, the food value of milk can
hardly be overestimated. This may be better visualized by
remembering that a quart of milk equals in food value
three-quarters of a pound of beefsteak, two pints of oysters, eight
eggs, two pounds or chicken, three-fifths of a pound of pork chops,
or three pounds of fresh codfish.
When one is securing, then, from four to six quarts of milk daily
(the usual amount taken on the full milk diet) one can see that the
body is securing a large amount of most valuable and wholesome
nourishment. Owing to the selective action of the cells of the body
and because every necessary element is furnished to normalize
functional processes and make it unnecessary and practically
impossible for the cells to take up an excess of a certain element,
all of any particular element that is supplied above the absolute
demands of the human economy for wear and tear, maintaining and
increasing weight, and repair work is expelled from the body
through normal eliminative channels.
This is decidedly opposite to the action of the system when given
the usual conventional diet. In such a diet the system is not
supplied with every requisite element, but receives some far in
excess, with few corrective, normalizing elements. The final result
is an exhaustion of certain functions and a deposition of toxic
elements in certain tissues.
When we grasp the significance of these facts we can readily
understand that it is more milk, rather than more meat, that the
people need, and insofar as the production of meat interferes with
the production of meat interferes with the production of meat
interferes with the production of milk a great evil arises. Milk is
an invaluable food, and every means, not excluding the total
elimination of meat as food, should be adopted to increase its use.
I have doubt that our devotion to the fleshpots is the greatest
single factor in the present restricted use of milk, which is the
most unfortunate phase of our dietetic habits. In fact we could
well dispense with the packers altogether, if such consummation
would result in an increased supply and a proper consumption of
this most valuable food substance.
How Milk Cures
To answer the question, “How does
milk cure?” we need to know only that it furnishes elements
necessary to make new blood. Milk is one of the most easily
digested and assimilated foods, containing ample amounts of
substances required for the growth of tissues and organs and the
repair of worn-out cells.
When one is taking the milk diet he does not have to worry about
combinations or whether this element or that element is being
supplied. Every element is there in the milk in living organic
form, and the sick body uses them to the best of its ability – and
it is well to say that that ability is constantly increasing as the
milk diet is followed day after day and week after week.
Milk is the best food in that most precarious period of life
–babyhood; and it is also the best food in that other critical
period, whether of the babe or adult – chronic illness. Some have
said, “Milk is food for babies, not for adults.” This is true, and
that is just why we prescribe it for sick people. No sick person is
an adult. Let him first restore his enervated, functionless,
depleted, emaciated, worn-out old body to normal functioning and
normal proportions before he claims maturity, and this is done in
the large majority of cases more surely, safely and satisfactorily
by taking the milk diet than by any other known method.
What Milk Is
Milk is a watery solution of
albumin, milk sugar, and certain salts, holding fat globules in
suspension. The protein and the mineral matter are in
semi-solution. When taken from the cow milk has a slight alkaline
reaction, but this changes rapidly to a very slight acid, due to
the rapid development of lactic acid bacilli.
Whole milk should have a specific gravity of from 1.029 to 1.035,
pure water being reckoned at 1.000. It should contain not less than
8.5 per cent of solids, apart from fat – and not less than 3.25 per
cent of butter-fat.
According to Dr. Henry C. Sherman, professor of Food Chemistry at
Columbia University, milk consists of proteins 3.3 per cent, fats 4
per cent, milk sugar 4.8 per cent, citric acid, 0.1 per cent, ash
constituents 0.7 per cent, and water 87.1 per cent. The albumin and
casein of milk rank at the head of the list among proteins.
No sugar, with the single exception of dextrose (the finished
product of carbohydrate digestion), is so easily assimilated as
lactose, or milk sugar.
Among the mineral salts of milk we find sulphur, phosphorus,
chlorine, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and iodine –
all indispensable elements in supplying nutritive material for the
brain and nerve cells and essential for building strong bones and
perfect teeth.
The iron of milk is very small in amount (only 0.00024 per cent).
Yet it is rapidly absorbed and completely utilized. So that,
notwithstanding the small amount of iron taken into the system with
milk, the improvement in the iron content of the blood is often
more marked and much more rapid than while taking meat and other
iron-forming foods.
Time and again an increase of from fifty to seventy per cent in the
hemoglobin of the blood in anemic individuals has been
In fact, on the basis of from twelve to fifteen milligrams of iron
per day being required to replace the “iron loss” of the system,
and on the basis that there are .24 milligrams of iron in each 100
grams of milk, five or six quarts of milk per day will supply the
amount of iron needed each day by the human system.
Butter Fat
When a drop of milk is put under the
microscope, the fat globules are readily seen floating in the
serum, or fluid portion of the milk. These fat globules are among
the most finely subdivided or emulsified of all the fat globules to
be found in Nature. A drop of milk the size of a pin head may
contain 1,500,000 of these tiny droplets – which explains why the
fat globule of milk is perhaps the most easily digested and
assimilated of all fats.
There is no finer, richer fat in all the world than the butter fat
suspended in infinitesimally small globules in the milk. But never,
or at least rarely, will the full fat content of milk be digested
and absorbed. The unnatural products resulting from the changes in
the fat may produce disturbance throughout the digestive tract, and
may result in sufficient irritation to produce a diarrhea or nausea
and vomiting. For these reasons it is quite frequently necessary to
reduce the amount of cream considerably.
Of course, the great bulk of milk is water – to be exact, about
eighty-seven per cent. Yet, when considered from the standpoint of
its health value, this wealth of water is a distinct asset,
especially among a people who rarely drink as much water as they
should, and who, as a consequence, suffer from constipation and
imperfect elimination of effete body material.
Indeed, were plenty of water to be taken at all times, it would
normally be excreted through the kidneys and through the bowels.
The feces would be softened and rendered much more voidable by the
solvent and stimulating action of the water. The considerable
amount of water secured on the full milk diet is of distinct value
in helping absorb and eliminate toxins and acids from the
The Calory Value of
The calory, or heat and energy
producing effect of milk, varies according to the amount of fat
contained in the milk.
Average milk, with four per cent of butter fat, yields about 675
calories per quart, at 314 calories to the pound. Skim milk, while
equally good as a tissue builder, quite as rich as is whole milk in
vital mineral salts, and equally satisfactory as a healing diet,
contains much less of calory value, as only from eighteen to twenty
per cent of the calories are furnished by the protein of the skim
milk, the remainder by the milk sugar.
However, it must be remembered that the calory is, after all, only
a unit of measurement – nothing that contributes to the nutritive
value of the food it measures.
The Vitamine Content of
Within the past few years marvelous
discoveries connected with the health-giving aspects of milk have
been made by Hess, McCollum, and other scientists, as well as by
the Children’s Bureau of the United States Public Health
Briefly, these authorities have found that many diseases, some of
them so grave as to cause even death, as well as serious physical
and mental deficiencies, may arise as a result of the lack of
protective foods – foods rich in mineral salts and in the
“It is recognized,” says U.S. Public Health Service Bulletin No.
325, “that although vitamines undoubtedly are widely distributed in
food products, they occur for the most part in very minute amounts,
and the various foods differ in the proportions which they contain.
If the diet is made up principally of foods poor in vitamines, or
rendered so by their preparation, an insufficient amount of these
substances would be provided, and abnormal metabolic processes
would result.”
In this connection it is interesting to note that milk has been
found to be among the richest in vitamines of all foods. While
there is, as yet, no exact means of measuring actual amount of
vitamine substance, it is definitely decided by repeated experiment
that milk contains large amounts of the Vitamine A, as it is
called. This is the vitamine upon which growth largely depends, and
which has so frequently been found missing or deficient in the case
of rickety, marasmic babies, stunted children, and backward
The “nerve-feeding” Vitamine B, the lack of which causes paralysis,
beri-beri, and various other grave nervous disorders, is also found
to be abundant in milk.
The anti-scorbutic factor, the principle that prevents scurvy, is
also abundantly present in milk.
It is evident from this that if one were taking the milk diet these
grave disorders would never develop. Since the elements are present
in milk which would prevent the development of such disorders, they
are present in such form and in such amounts as to cure conditions
when they develop, it the strict milk diet is taken.
Milk contains also several important ferments which aid in
digestion, such as diastase, galactose, etc. These ferments or
digestants undoubtedly act as stimulators and regulators of
nutrition, and are identical in their function with certain of the
digestive enzymes secreted by various organs in the body.
Because of its mineral salt content, milk, especially and exclusive
milk diet, markedly increases the alkalinity of the blood. Remember
the normal alkaline state is the state of highest health and
physiological functioning, while the acid state is the pathological
The contributing cause of many of the most serious of all disorders
– such as diabetes, Bright’s disease, rheumatism, high blood
tension, etc. – is an over-acid state of the system. This condition
is rapidly overcome by the alkaline salts of milk, which explains
why the exclusive milk diet, or the milk and fruit diet, is so
generally effective in these conditions.
Because of the large amount of fluid absorbed when on the absolute
milk diet, toxic elements in the tissues are highly diluted. And
because of the natural tendency of the blood to maintain a certain
degree of concentration, it has a very much more pronounced
tendency to absorb deposits in various tissues and structures when
on the milk diet.
The Effect Upon Blood and
One of the most outstanding effects
of the full milk diet is the marvelous effect the ingestion of this
large amount of fluid has upon the circulation. This is most
important, from the standpoint of normal functioning. For many
people suffering from chronic diseases are troubled with defective
circulation of the blood. Their blood pressure is thirty or forty
degrees below or above what it should be. This condition may
manifest itself by cold feet, cold hands, constant chilliness,
susceptibility to colds, and numerous other symptoms.
These are the cases that respond very rapidly to the effects of the
full milk diet. This is due to the improved circulation and to the
increased amount of life-giving fluid in the veins and capillaries.
Often within a few hours after commencing the diet their pulse rate
will be increased when very low. Inside of forty-eight hours the
heart beat has frequently gained four or five beats to the minute.
The pulse will be full and vigorous and the blood will flow to
every cell and tissue in the body with increased force.
The dry, scaly character of the skin will disappear and instead
there will be a healthy moistness and glow in its surfaces. The
colorless, leathery skin covered with pimples and eruptions becomes
rosy and clear, and free from unsightly blemishes.
The prolonged baths taken as part of the treatment, as will be
described later, assist in softening up the harsh outer layers of
dead skin and facilitating their removal. Perspiration is increased
and the pores of the skin are stimulated to throw off dead material
that might otherwise accumulate in the deeper tissues of the skin
and in the deeper, more vital organs of the body.
Not infrequently when the patients first begin the milk diet they
will awaken from sleep completely bathed in perspiration –
sometimes of a most offensive character. This is not due to any
weakness or to a thinning of the blood, as some patients fear, and
as occurs in the night sweats of the consumptive, but is due to
increased activity of the circulation and increased power of the
sweat glands to rid the system of poisonous materials. Often the
sweat will be found to have a very unpleasant odor, and that of
rheumatic patients will not infrequently have a strong odor of
The large accumulations of water materials when the skin is
fractioned, as in massage, prove conclusively the health-giving
benefit of this treatment. Even the nails share with the skin in
the obvious benefits of the milk diet – their rigid roughness
giving way to a smooth, normal condition, showing the improvement
in the purity of the blood and the increased alkalinity of the body
fluids. All this, remember, while the patient may be perfectly
quiet in his room or even while lying in bed, such is the deep
effect of a full milk diet.
The benefits of this improvement in the circulation must be
conceded by every medical man, for there is nothing in their entire
armamentarium of drugs, exercise, massage, baths, oxygen
inhalation, electric treatment, or blood transfusion can equal the
natural physiological increase in blood circulation that is brought
about as a result of increasing the amount of circulatory fluid in
the veins and arteries of these debilitated patients.
Tooth and Bone
The lime, phosphates, fluorin, and
other mineral salts also have a very definite constructive value in
building tooth and bone cells, as these salts are found in rich
profusion in milk and in the most easily assimilable form.
Milk contains practically twenty different chemical elements, which
makes it of enormous value as a general building food.
And this applies not along to bone and tooth structure, but also to
brain and nerve cells – which can not function without lime and
phosphorus – and to various of the ductless glands, which depend
upon lime, phosphates, and sodium salts to stimulate their normal
Milk – The Perfect Building
Also, milk contains leucocyte cells,
not unlike the white blood corpuscles of our own blood. There can
be little doubt but that these are absorbed into the circulation,
to reinforce the white cells already in the blood stream in
overcoming disease germs that may have gained entrance through the
respiratory passages, or been absorbed from the stomach or bowels
into the blood stream.
After the first feeding of milk these cells have been known to
increase from five to six times their usual number in a given
amount of blood.
Since the various mineral elements, tissue-building elements, and
leucocytes are absorbed in considerable numbers, it is easy to
account for the rapid repairing of wounds and injuries, when the
full milk diet is supplied.
There is no doubt but that the nutrient material in the milk can be
absorbed directly into the lacteal vessels of the intestines, from
which it can be taken up at once by the blood.
It is a fact that milk is secreted directly from the blood, and
that its serum, or fluid portion, is practically identical with
blood serum.
The fat droplets of the milk, it is certain, can be absorbed and
utilized at once to become a part of the fatty portion of the
The milk sugar (the carbohydrate portion of the milk) can be
absorbed and assimilated without undergoing any further process of
digestion (after coagulation) – some maintaining that milk can be
completely absorbed from the colon, when given as a nutrient enema.
Also, there is a small proportion of fibrin, or coagulating element
in milk, identical with that found in the blood. This partially
explains why one is less liable to sever hemorrhages after a
regular, systematic milk diet.
Therefore, it is obvious that no other dietary article so
adequately fills the growth and health requirements of the body as
does milk, and that no other dietetic régime can compare in
simplicity and yet in effectiveness with the full milk diet.
It is highly probably that if the five million American boys and
girls whom the Federal Department of Labor reports as suffering
from malnutrition in its various forms could only have the proper
amount of milk, given the proper way, their malnutritive
condition would be a thing of the past, and abounding health and
vitality would replace their present lamentable health
In fact, so convinced am I of the value of milk, both as a food and
as a medicine, that I am willing to go on record as stating my
belief that, without a doubt, ninety per cent of all the
malnutrition among children everywhere could be cured if two quarts
of milk a day were supplied to each child. I heartily agree with
Dr. Graham Lusk when he states that no family of five can afford to
purchase a pound of meat until it has first bought at least three
quarts of milk.
This is a lesson every man, woman and child in this country should
take to heart. It would mean an increase of millions of work-hours,
and a longer, healthier and happier life for everybody, if they
But when these physical abnormalities
have developed or begun to develop, in adult or child, feel assured
that the diet that would have been effective in preventing illness
and in maintaining health will be effective as a curative agent
when taken correctly, after proper preparation, and with the proper
adjuncts, as will be described in a later chapter.
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Information on this web site is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional. Consult with your physician before making any changes to your diet.